We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to check out where you live and how often our operations team can get you home!
For Quick Reference: Our Schedules are based on: 6 days out = 1 Day at home.

Apologies ahead of time - we do NOT have much freight in either Montana or Idaho. Drivers from these states must be pure OTR type drivers, or drivers who live in the truck and don't have many attachments at home.
(If you have any freight leads/referrals, let us know! We'd be open to bidding on more freight in your state! Email us at: JMatras@GreaterOmaha.com )
I-90 Corridor Area Drivers:
OTR - Home every 28-36 Days
Must be OK with going to California, Washington & Oregon.
You can park truck at home
Other Montana Area Drivers:
Pure OTR -
Live in the Truck
Can Take "Home Time" in Omaha or elsewhere if wanted
Home to Montana every 5-6 Months
Must be OK with going to California, Washington & Oregon.
You can park truck at home
Other Idaho Area Drivers:
Pure OTR -
Live in the Truck
Can Take "Home Time" in Omaha or elsewhere if wanted
Home to Idaho every 5-6 Months
Must be OK with going to California, Washington & Oregon.
You can park truck at home