We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to check out where you live and how often our operations team can get you home!
For Quick Reference: Our Schedules are based on: 6 days out = 1 Day at home.
KC Metro Area
You couldn't live in a much better spot for our freight! Many of our backhauls haul run to or through KC! You can be home every 5-10 days. If you are willing to commute to Omaha, you can park your POV at our terminal and be home every week.
St. Louis Metro Area
10-14 Days Out at a time
Columbia/Jeff City Area:
2-3 Weeks Out at a time.
12-18 Days Out at a time.
Joplin Area Drivers:
12-18 Days Out at a time.
Southeast Missouri Drivers:
2-3 Weeks out at a time
I-29 & I-35 Corridor Area Drivers:
12-18 Days Out at a time.
North East Missouri Area Drivers:
2-3 Weeks Out at a time.