We’ve made it quick and convenient for you to check out where you live and how often our operations team can get you home!
For Quick Reference: Our Schedules are based on: 6 days out = 1 Day at home.
Chicago Area Drivers
Home every 5-10 Days!
You couldn't live in a better spot for our freight!
You would mainly run between Chicago & Omaha, with an additional Midwest/Great Lakes are drop.
You can take the truck home as well!
Springfield Area Drivers
Home every 10-18 Days
You can take the truck home as well!
Peoria Area Drivers
Home every 2-3 Weeks
You can take the truck home as well!
Bloomington/Champaign/Decatur Area Drivers
Home every 2-3 Weeks
You can take the truck home as well!
Southern Illinois Area Drivers
Home every 2-3 Weeks
You can take the truck home as well!